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Watkins Glen Alumni Association, Inc., 
301 12th Street, Watkins Glen, NY 14891
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:  The Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association has been made aware of an internet site identified as “Watkins Glen Central Alumni Site” offering a “special lifetime membership”.   NOTE: The Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association does not recognize nor will it honor any representations from that site. The official website of the Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association is www.watkinsglenalumni.org.  Our Association’s membership runs on a fiscal year basis (January – December); membership information and applications can be found at www.watkinsglenalumni.org ; and our Association’s alumni news can be found on our official site.  Peggy Scott, WGHSAA President  
Check out this Pinterest page on the closing of the 
Middle School:



  Watkins High School Alumni Association News

“It is the purpose of the Watkins Glen Central School Alumni Association to carry on a tradition each year at the time of graduation. On the evening of Commencement Day, a dinner and meeting are held where graduates of Watkins Glen Central School can join together to reminisce of “School Days.” The record shows evidence of an alumni association as far back as 1904. An Alumni Association makes it possible to look back and carry on a tradition that shows a pride in the school of your graduation.”

The above paragraph is quoted from the 100 years Watkins Glen Central School District booklet publication that covered 1883-1982 graduates. The Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association was formally incorporated in 2007. Its mission: to provide scholarships to graduating students, to honor Distinguished Alumni, and to support the continuance of the annual Alumni Banquet.

To date we have recognized 17 Distinguished Alumni and awarded $72,300.00 in scholarships to 53 graduating seniors. Although the banquet could not be held this year due to the coronavirus, the Association awarded $1500.00 scholarships to: Maria Brubaker and Seamus Mooney and $1000.00 scholarships to Bryce Jacob Kelly, Kelsey DeMillo, and Briana Hayes.

Plans for the June 25, 2022 banquet will include honoring the 50-year classes from 1970, 1971 and 1972. The Distinguished Alumni recipient for 2022 is Kathleen Warner LaMoreaux ‘67. She will be recognized along with the 2020 and 2021 scholarship recipients at the 2022 banquet.

The membership of the Association is crucial to what we do. The annual dues are $25 and are used almost exclusively for Scholarships. The Association Board consists of volunteers and we keep operational costs to a minimum. Please go to our website watkinsglenalumni.org to find a membership application form, or simply send a check for $25 to WG Alumni Assoc., 301 12th St.,
Watkins Glen, NY 14891. Write in the memo portion of your check that it is for membership and please note your class graduation year. 

The banquet provides the forum for everyone to get together. It’s about prior and future graduates, friends, spouses, faculty, staff, school mates and classmates. It’s a wonderful tradition that the Association has been able to maintain because of the support from fellow alumni and friends. Without them it would not be possible. 

Thank you everyone………..!!!!
Peggy Doolittle Scott - President


  Separated From Others By Superior Or Extraordinary Qualities

  Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association is seeking nominations for our Distinguished Alumni Award(s), which are given at the Annual Alumni Banquet held in June of each year. We appreciate receiving nominations as far in advance as possible, at least 4 or 5 months, but no later than May 1st. 
The criteria are as follow:

1. Graduate of Watkins High School
2. Graduated at least 15 Years Ago
3. Demonstrated an Outstanding and Unique Contribution or
 Level of Service to Their Community, Profession, or Other
 Good Cause Whether at the Local, Regional, National or  
 International Level
4. Have Agreed to Accept the Honor in Person Along With the
 Associated Publicity

  Nomination forms can be found on our website: watkinsglenalumni.org  
or from the Watkins High School Office, the Watkins Public Library or the Historical Society in Montour Falls.

  Supply a written narrative that clearly outlines the qualities and achievements of the nominee, demonstrating effectively how the nominee is recognized as distinguished by peers and professionals, and/or community organizations pertinent to the field of distinguished achievements. Attach the narrative to the nomination form and mail to WGHS Alumni Association, 301 12th St., Watkins Glen, NY 14891.

 Join us on facebook.  Here is the link :

 Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association
